Reproductive health
Spontaneous abortion
Spontaneous abortion is defined as Spontaneous pregnancy loss before the 20th week of gestation.
Pregnancy losses that occur during this time period are estimated to be around 15% of pregnancies.
The risk of miscarriage increases proportionally to the number of previously experienced miscarriages.
There are several factors that underlie the occurrence of a miscarriage. These include: genetic, endocrinological (hormonal), anatomical, immunological, microbiological…etc.
We make acomplete study to determine the possible causes and treat them whenever possible, minimizing the risk of a new abortion.
Postpartum depression
The recognition and treatment of depressive disorders in pregnancy and during the puerperium is essential for the health of both the mother and the baby.
Mood disorders after childbirth are common.
Postpartum depression usually begins within the first few weeks after giving birth.
It can be highly variable in both severity and duration.
Our medical approach will help you in a very effective way to reduce symptoms of postpartum depression without having to use antidepressant medication.
Premenstrual syndrome
Do you experience 1 or more of these symptoms over the previous days before your period starts?
Breast tenderness
Weight gain
Carbohydrate craving
Humor changes
Easy crying
Sleep disorders...
Most women experience a set of negative symptoms 1 or 2 days, immediately before menstruation, these can be considered within the normal.
However, if you experience 1 or more of these negative symptoms 4 or more days before your menstruation begins, you have premenstrual syndrome.
The true Pre-Menstrual Syndrome disappears with the onset of menstruation and is cyclical, repeating itself at the same time each month.
About 25% of women have Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.
Clinically, these strong negative symptoms are associated with subfertility and poorer pregnancy outcomes. It is convenient to treat them to optimize the conditions prior to conception.
Preconception Study
Even if you do not have a diagnosis of infertility or a history of miscarriage, our comprehensive study will allow you to:
• Optimize the preconception environment
• Reduce the risk of infertility
• Reduce the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, preterm labor, and birth defects.